Latest news
You heard it here first
It happened at Oban for the first time in history
Neosporosis in Highland Cattle: a member's experience
At the Highland Cattle Society, we are committed to sharing knowledge and experiences that help our members maintain the health and welfare of their herds.
Highland beef … simply the best!
Scott Brown (Society member) and his wife Jane run ‘Capielaw Livestock’, based in Midlothian just 10 miles from the Edinburgh city centre.
High demand for x Highland heifers
The outstanding feature of the Autumn sale was the unprecedented demand for first cross Highland heifer calves, which saw buyers from Wales and the Isle of Skye competing with several local hill farmers to secure the best lots.
From where I stood
attendance. Highland enthusiasts from Australia, the United States, Germany, Ireland and Denmark were looking on with interest although the likelihood of being able to export live animals soon seemed quite remote.
Duncan Handley
It is with great sadness that we have to announce Duncan passed away suddenly on Saturday, 7 September 2024, aged 67.
Congratulations to the Royal Highland Show Supreme Young Handler
There can be no doubting of the superior standard and ability of the young handlers coming through the ranks. The quality and showmanship saw six young star performers compete for the Dalchirla Trophy, which was first presented in 2019.
Aren’t they just beautiful? An Irish interview
By simply standing there, they won the hearts of just about every passer-by. Viewers were transfixed for ages admiring a pair of Highland Cattle. They seem to hark back to some ancient past and radiate the feeling that they are the real deal when it comes to cattle.
Register for the Extraordinary Members Meeting
Would members please email our Secretary/Treasurer, David Hyland with the name of the proposed attendee before 5pm on 2 February 2022.
Extraordinary Members Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the Extraordinary Members Meeting of the members of Highland Cattle Society will be held at The Royal Hotel, Oban on Saturday 12 February 2022 at 6pm prompt and by Zoom.
Nominations for four Council member positions are now open
Download the form below for nomination(s) for the 2022 Extraordinary Members Meeting, which is due to take place on Saturday 12 February at 6pm at The Royal Hotel, Oban. This is for Council positions for 2022-2025, and there are four available.
Office attendance
Would members please note that effective Wednesday 15 December 2021, guidance regarding attendance at the workplace will be re-introduced.
Register for the Extraordinary Members Meeting in October
Attendance for members at the EMM can be either in person or by Zoom but, with numbers limited at the venue, members must pre-register in order to be able to attend.
Extraordinary Members Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the Extraordinary Members Meeting of the members of Highland Cattle Society will be held at the Royal Hotel, Oban on Saturday 9 October 2021 at 6pm prompt.
It was all go at the Shropshire Show
July 17th was the first date that Shropshire show went for. They were resolute to go ahead all the way through and were rewarded with beautiful weather and cattle entries that were only 20 down on the record 2018 year.
The Highland Cattle Society SCIO
The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) has accepted the Highland Cattle Society's application to become a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) with effect from 12 July 2021.
Latest show results
Want the lowdown on our most recent shows and sales?