
All references to the Highland Cattle Society in these byelaws are to the Highland Cattle Society SCIO, Scottish charity number SCO51114.

These byelaws of the Highland Cattle Society and the Appendices will be revised and reissued to all members by way of the Highland Cattle Society website, as and when the Trustee Board sees fit to make amendments.


  1. The Highland Cattle Society Herd Book

  2. Registration Application and Registration Certificates

  3. Highland Cattle Society Appendix Register

  4. Fertilised Ovum Transplant

  5. Export and Import of Cattle

  6. DNA Profiling of Bulls

  7. Fold Prefix and Animal Names

  8. Sire, Dam and Semen Ownership

  9. Transfers and De-Registrations

  10. Fold Inspections

  11. Official Shows/Sales

  12. Membership

  13. Dispersals and Reductions

  14. Sales by Private Treaty

  15. Crop Ear

  16. Show Fold Competition

  17. Selection of Interbreed Teams at National Shows


Appendix A Where to obtain Schedule of Fees

Appendix B Definition of Highland Breed Standards

Last updated: 27 March 2025


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