Member code of conduct

Constitution and objects

1. The Society shall be called "THE HIGHLAND CATTLE SOCIETY" and shall operate as a charitable organisation for charitable purposes. The expression "charitable purposes" shall mean a charitable purpose under Section 7 of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 which is also regarded as a charitable purpose in relation to the application of the Taxes Acts.

2A. Its objects shall be:

  1. To preserve and safeguard the Highland Cattle Breed and ensure its sustainable continuance as an important icon of rural Scotland’s heritage, culture and art.

  2. To promote, apply, assist and facilitate the advancement of science in all aspects of breeding, management and husbandry of Highland Cattle.

  3. To promote, advise on and facilitate the unique advantages of Highland Cattle including in the preservation and conservation of the natural environment and its wildlife habitats and to furthering cattle management in meeting the challenges of climate change.

  4. To promote and advance the physical and mental wellbeing of Highland Cattle and the prevention of suffering and illness.

  5. To promote, encourage, educate in and organise the development of individual skills, capabilities and understanding in all aspects of Highland Cattle management and breeding amongst stockmen, owners and breeders.

  6. To foster and to develop the sense of community, social and economic adhesion of all those involved in Highland Cattle, especially in the more remote areas.

2B. All the Society’s activities are to be in furtherance of the Objects set out in Rule 2A. They will include:

  1. Maintenance, updating, control and publication of the Breed Standard.

  2. Maintenance and publication of the Herd Book in which to register the births and pedigrees of Highland Cattle.

  3. To organise or arrange pedigree Society or affiliated shows and sales.

  4. To approve and appoint Society judges and fieldsmen.

  5. To use verbal, visual, written, audio and electronic media methods in furtherance of its Objects.

  6. Liaising, co-operating with, supporting and sponsoring specialist bodies, organisations or government departments in the fields of animal or agri-sciences, animal welfare, environment conservation and climate change.

  7. Keeping abreast of new animal science and animal welfare issues and to disseminate the information through the Society’s website, publications, and other means.

  8. Facilitating the use of Highland Cattle in genetic advances, conservation grazing and veterinary projects through seminars, open days, teach-ins, regional club activities, fieldsmen, demonstrations, publications, and the website, educate members, owners, breeders, stockmen and other interested parties in the breeding, welfare, husbandry, and showing of Highland Cattle, and the management of grazing land;

  9. Through shows, sales, gatherings, social events and publications, assemble together breeders and owners of Highland Cattle and members of local public to engender a sense of social community purpose, togetherness and cohesion.

Code of Conduct – Highland Cattle Society

Highland Cattle Society deems that upon payment of the prescribed membership fee, all members and their families, employees and agents have given their consent to be bound by both the restrictions and penalties imposed by this code of conduct. Members will be liable for any breach committed whether by themselves, their families, employees or agents.

The intention of this is to establish clear and acceptable behaviour expectations for the Highland Cattle Society members, families, employees and agents.


  • Members must always act within the constitution and bye-laws, Society policies and procedures. These are available from the Treasurer and some items can be found on the website. No member shall be absolved from their effect on any allegation of not having received a copy.

  • Be respectful of those you come into contact with through Highland Cattle Society meetings and events. Respect diversity, different roles and boundaries, and avoid giving offence. Do not engage in any form of sexual, racial or religious discrimination or harassment. Do not conduct yourself in any rude or immoral manner, including the use of profane language, gestures, insults, or such misbehaviour.

  • When using social media in connection with the Society, its officials’ members or staff, do so in a manner which could not be deemed offensive. You are asked to consider the impact of publicly expressive negative issues relating to the Society, its officials, members or staff on social media. Any such issues should be raised within the process outlined for dealing with complaints and available online.

  • In no case shall any member of staff be reprimanded directly by a member or entitled to enter into discussion with a member on any instructions passed to them by Council.

  • As well as avoiding actual impropriety, conduct yourself in a manner which does not damage or undermine the reputation of the Society (especially when you are representing the Society) and do not take part in any activity which is in conflict with the objects of the Society, or which might damage the reputation of the Society.

  • Promptly pay membership fees as part of continued membership and keep personal information up to date.


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