Judges and Field Officers Sub-committee

Terms of reference

Sub-committee purpose

Sub-committees should operate in the best interests of all members of the Highland Cattle Society wherever they are situated, in the UK and beyond.

This sub-committee shall be responsible for:

  • Selection of Judges

  • Bi-annual review of judges, including retirements

  • Criteria for Judges’ behaviour, dress, etc

  • Selection of Judges for the Royal Highland, Great Yorkshire, Royal Welsh Shows and Oban, and support for Judge selection for other shows with Highland Cattle classes

  • Selection and support of Field Officers

  • Annual or bi-annual review of Field Officer numbers and geographical coverage

  • Show and Sale Regulations


The initial members of this sub-committee are Robert Tedbury, Archie MacArthur and Dexter Logan. It will be chaired by Vice President Robert Tedbury.

The sub-committee must always have at least one member who is a Trustee of the Highland Cattle Society and will not normally have more than four members in total. The sub-committee, with approval from the Trustee Board, may co-opt members from outwith the Highland Cattle Society who bring specialist skills or experience that the group does not otherwise have.


All sub-committees under the Highland Cattle Society SCIO may be set up and disbanded by the Trustee Board. This sub-committee must regularly and promptly circulate the minutes of its meetings to all Trustees and refer its recommendations, with supporting facts and analysis, promptly to the Trustee Board for decisions. No decision of any sub-committee shall bind the Board.


Meetings will be called as and when the Chair decides but the sub-committee must convene at least four times a year, physically or virtually, with due regard to Society costs.

The sub-committee will use the Highland Cattle Society outlook email for its business to ensure confidentiality.

April 2024


Sub-committee: International Gathering


Sub-committee: Promotions and Education