Trade stand policy

This is The Highland Cattle Society SCIO policy on taking a trade stand at any of The Highland Cattle Society SCIO Shows and Sales.

All trade exhibitors are responsible for reading and understanding this policy.

It is important that all trade exhibitors act responsibly and with integrity in relation to their use of their trade stand space.

Trade stand applications

All Trade Stand Exhibitors exhibiting at The Highland Cattle Society SCIO Shows and Sales must be either a fully paid-up Member of the Society or a Society Sponsor.

Applications will be accepted on the strict understanding that The Highland Cattle Society SCIO reserves the right to refuse any application without giving any reason and that The Highland Cattle Society SCIO will determine the position and area of the sites offered to exhibitors.

The tenancy of ‘rental’ space is agreed by the Exhibitor and the Breed Secretary and starts from 9am on the day of the Show and expires within one hour from the end of the Sale.

The Highland Cattle Society SCIO will not be liable for loss of trade or ancillary costs to any trade stand at any time, during or after The Highland Cattle Society SCIO Show and Sale or any liability or loss as a result of their trade stand presence by any Trade Stand Holder.

Agreement between parties is based on the understanding that The Highland Cattle Society SCIO will facilitate the rental of space with pre-agreed cost based on size and location and within the confines of the Mart under the remit of The Highland Cattle Society SCIO for the period of The Highland Cattle Society SCIO Show and Sale.

Exhibitors responsibilities

Exhibitors shall be answerable for the conduct of their assistants or representatives.

All exhibitors and persons in charge of exhibits, and all persons admitted to the show and sale are subject to the rules of the show and sale, and must follow instructions of the Highland Cattle Society officials.

Exhibitors are required to have Public Liability Insurance.

The Highland Cattle Society SCIO accepts no liability for any loss of income or revenue, loss of business, loss of profits or contracts, loss of anticipated savings, loss of data, or office time or for any indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind arising and whether caused by delict (Including negligence), breach of contract or otherwise, even if foreseeable.

Who does this policy apply to?

Members and Sponsors of The Highland Cattle Society SCIO.

Responsibility for this policy

The Board of Trustees of The Highland Cattle Society SCIO are responsible for this policy and any updates or changes that may be deemed necessary.


Sub-committee: Promotions and Education


Trustees Code of Conduct