Ardbhan fold
Lot 24 - Falaisg of Ardbhan
Date of birth: 23 May 2020
Colour: Black
Sire: Gilleaspuig of Tiretigan
Dam: Peallachag Phroiseil of Ardbhan
A handsome son of our long time stockbull, 14-year-old Gilleaspuig of Tiretigan and Peallachag Phroiseil of Ardbhan, who, like all Peallachags, carries the affectionate pet name of TeePee. Falaisg, which is Gaelic for 'muir-burning', is growing into a fine young bull and has inherited a gentle nature from both of his parents. With our beloved TeePees being famous for living into their twenties, he’s also likely to be blessed with long life and follows the hoof prints of his full sister to Oban; a beautiful black heifer that graced the ring in February 2019. Tick acclimatised. Organic fold.
Falaisg of Ardbhan
Falaisg of Ardbhan (side view)
Sire, Gilleaspuig of Tiretigan
Dam, Peallachag Phroiseil of Ardbhan