Igenity® Beef helps you build profitability


✔︎ Increase genetic merit for weaning weight
✔︎ Make fertility gains pay dividends
✔︎ Improve carcass value


Igenity® Beef

Get the power of genetic prediction with the first and only genomic selection tool for commercial crossbred and straightbred cattle of Angus, Red Angus, Simmental, Hereford, Highland, Limousin or Gelbvieh descent.



Get clear, actionable scoring on 16 maternal, performance and carcass traits.


Production, maternal and terminal selection index options help with multi- trait selection.


Powerful dashboard assists in visualising data and sorting cattle.


Traits reported

With 16 traits and three indexes plus parentage, this DNA profile helps you make more confident decisions, choosing the replacement heifers that inherited the best genes from your bulls.

  • Birth Weight, Calving Ease Direct, Calving Ease Maternal, Stayability, Heifer Pregnancy, Docility, Milk

  • Residual Feed Intake, Average Daily Gain, Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight

  • Tenderness, Marbling, Fat Thickness, Hot Carcass Weight


SeekSire™️ Parentage enables you to verify calves’ sires to help identify the best genetics.

Clear, visual results

  • Sort and rank cattle

  • Get whole herd reports

  • View specific order results

  • See patterns, strengths and areas of improvement

  • Create custom indexes that meet your operation’s goals

  • Benchmark your cattle to the Igenity® database

Igenity Beef dashboard example

For more information, contact your Neogen representative by calling +44 (0) 1292 525 094 or email NeogenGenomics@NEOGEN.com


Heights and Weights

